Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Slowing Down and Catching Up

Big enormous sappy thanks to everyone who wrote to me or left a comment today wishing me well. You guys made all the hard work and late nights worthwhile. On the record, I don't have any immediate professional plans, which I know sounds crazy to a lot of people with steady gainful employment (and more so to those without it). But there you go. Conveniently, my girlfriend and parents are all visiting next week, and after that, I'm gonna be ready for a little break. Sometimes you just really and truly need it. The ruthless San Francisco economy will understand, right?

Games-wise, I do plan to start writing freelance for a number of outlets in the fairly near future, so you can look out for that if you're interested. There will be links to specific articles when the time rolls around. I'll also offer thoughts here on whatever I'm currently playing, and I'm really excited to finally plow through a daunting backlog of important games that eluded me the last couple of years. (Started early by plowing through Half-Life 2: Ep2 last weekend, quick verdict: exemplary. Valve is more on its game than ever.)

Then on the "crazy abrupt change of life direction" tip... Since around this time last year, I've been toying with the idea of ditching this stupid landmass and heading down to Hawaii, where my girlfriend currently lives, to get into the booming business of beach-based shaved ice stands. It'd only be a year, tops. Do you know how much spam one man could eat in a year? Do you want to find out?

My pledge to you: if enough of you make a compelling argument in the comments (or alternatively, send me $1 each), I'm gone. Continents are bullshit, anyway.

Well, that would be at least a couple of months away. In the short-term: Anyone out there playing Condemned 2? Would a person need to play through the first game to appreciate it?

note: I've enabled anonymous comments per request; you won't need a Blogger account to post. Like Rufus said, be excellent to each other.


Ian Hilton said...

Hi Brad
Sorry to see you leaving gamespot. I used to watch On The Spot religiously and always enjoyed your game appraisals and Guitar Hero rock outs!

Hope to see your some of your future work on Giant Bomb.

Good luck
Ian - UK

Anonymous said...

Heh, it would be a shame to watch you go, because we've already lost a lot of good faces to the video world of video games, but, as long as you're still doing freelancing work, I guess we'll just have to settle for it, eh? We'll miss you at GameSpot Brad. Best of luck.

Randal said...

Friend is playing Condemned 2. Said you don't need to play the first to enjoy it, but it will make the experience better. Plus it is a good way to contrast to the two different styles.

I'd recommend playing through the first one. It's a cross between CSI and Hobo Smackdown.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to play the original Condemned to enjoy the game but you won't get any of the "in" comments. The melee combat has been greatly improved. I recommend it highly if you're into the horror/paranormal kind of thing. And who isn't?

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for enabling anonymous accounts dude, appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Be it, game journalism or a spam munchathon in Hawaii:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah dude, seriously, go work for Jeff and the boys at Giant Bomb! You know you want to, you know they need you, you know that they know that you need to, and you know that they know that they want you too! It's win-win and a no-brainer!

Mitch Meats said...

really glad you're doing this, brad. wherever the future takes you, make sure to let us know what's up. i dig your sense of humor.

Milkman519 said...

I know pretty much everyone else is gonna say this but I recommend going to Giant Bomb.

But you should do what makes you happy. If it's Hawaii, fine. If it's it's Giant Bomb, woohoo! =P

Anonymous said...

f*ck Hawaii, move to Canada! we could use some good talent up here. or head over to up the road. either way, you should be up in the spotlight as you were on GS. would be a waste to see you disappear into oblivion. see you at E3!

Anonymous said...

Well, party on dude.

Anonymous said...

Hawaii is cool, but really Brad: I'd love to see you at GiantBomb.

Anonymous said...

hey man, you're alive! Hooray for existing. good to hear from you again.

seriously, giant bomb.....

TimLaws said...

A year of Spam might be good. There is a lot of things you can do with that canned monstrosity.

RVonE said...

Good to hear you're taking some time for yourself; indeed sometimes you need it.
So you're going to do some freelancing, huh. Maybe some freelancing from Hawaii? That'd be awesome, right?

Anyway, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything while playing Condemned 2 (I didn't play the first game).

Anonymous said...

Brad, man. Sad to see you leave GameSpot..sad to see all of the guys that left do it but, I know you got your reasons.

I'm sure if you go to Hawaii you're going to enjoy it. If your girlfriend is out there, there's another reason to atleast spend a year.

I'll say what everyone else is saying, it'd be awesome to see you at GiantBomb. But, don't just do it because everyone else wants it. Do what you want man and have a good time doing it.

Dazz Hardy said...

Brad, Man, I remember you on one episode of On The Spot, with that game with the girls in bikini's cutting up zombies with swords, and for that single moment alone, you'll always be completely awesome. For that moment, you introduced me to The Oneechanbara. You sir, are a legend.

Anonymous sane roommate said...

Hey Brad,

So sad to see ya leaving, I kept on telling myself at least Brad is still at GS, but no longer. There's still Brian, Ryan, Tor and some of the others I still tune in for but you'll be missed. Anyway I hope for the best in your future endeavors and hope to see in the videogame scene soon.

good luck

evilboy2000 said...

Hi Brad!
Happy to hear your doing something for yourself man... I used to love watching you over at Gamespot before all of the "ugliness" and I thought you had a great perspective on games. It's sad to see you leave, and I hope you consider doing some freelance work... Also I'm sure there's a job over at Giant Bomb if you wanted it... With that said, I actually had a friend leave a lucrative job to move to Hawaii, taking a severe cut in income, and he said it was the best thing for him. He had friends there and decided to take a completely different career path and the next time I saw him I could tell the experience had been nothing but good for him. I still hope to hear from people like you about games though, and hopefully you might be able to freelance while in Hawaii or something. Either way I wish you good luck in this change in life and hope you are happy with what ever you do. Just know you will be missed if you go however...

Anonymous said...

Hey Brad, glad to see you're enjoying life after Gamespot. Man, you sure are slow about finishing your fps games dude. I remember one of your GS blogs, and how you didn't play Riddick and F.E.A.R. until a year after release. Well, since you're currently unemployed, I guess Crysis will be a long wait - unless you bought an uber PC before you left GS.

But anyways, I'm planning on getting Condemned 2 also. Looks fun just for beating the crud out of people. Why won't you accept friend requests on your Myspace?

Anonymous said...

You will be sorely missed man... You always reminded me of "that one dude" in college who was always there and was always welcome. I know your name is Brad Shoemaker and you can bet I won't forget it. I'm sorry shit went down so bad out there. I'll follow your travels here. I wish you the best.

Yea, I love the Half-Life series... If you get done with EP:2 and want to play a pretty well done mod... try "MINERVA: METASTASIS" Pretty good for just one guy creating it... I think just one guy. I dunno.

Anonymous said...

So after this "little break", any idea's what you'll be doing??? Having you on would be great.

Anonymous said...

Hells yeah Hawaii! You'd better frickin' move there. How many times in one's life will you be presented with a viable option of living in an actual crystal-blue-water-tropical-paradise?

Just make sure you have a big enough couch for visitors to crash on for a week or three.

CP said...

Best of luck sir. looking forward to your reviews. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey man I've been a fan and it sucks to see you leave. I wish you the best of luck and I hope we can see some your work on Giant Bomb in the near future....


Anonymous said...

Dude, I am an a week late to the news. Gamespot will not be the same for quite sometime. Key components have left the fold, leaving the readers lonely and in a fetal position at our work desks. Good luck with everything! Girlfriend in Hawaii? It's a no brainer, go ahead and make that move. Hang Loose!

Anonymous said...

dude get on giant bomb with rich, alex and everyone else who has left...suddenly. it would be awsome and you should do it! because i would buy it!